Friday, March 22, 2013

the gathering place

I love clean and order. Office supplies. Label makers. Clorox wipes. Closets organized by color and season.  Towels all  folded the same way. When my surroundings are in disarray I feel like my mind is also in disarray. Some people call this anal retentive, neurotic, crazy.... I say tom-A-to, tom-ah-to.

White cabinets have been on my wishlist since day one for their ability to create an open, light, and airy feeling to a home as well as highlight any dirt and grime. Most people dislike anything that highlights dirt in their home but I say if you can't see it how can you know you got in clean?!?!

Needless to say all of our kitchen choices were based primarily around the white cabinets. We chose to stain the oak hardwood floors saddle. The home came standard with a yellow-ish granite and we were looking for a more gray toned counter which brown eyes (I swear its a good mixture of mostly gray and a little brown). The GE stainless steel appliances are the only option DR Horton offered.

kitchen finishes
Like all married couples Ryan and I have some differences, including our decorating tastes. I like more casual farmhouse/cottage chic while he likes more formal colonial. We try to compromise. We are basing our kitchen mood board around one of those compromises, our current kitchen table. Ryan picked it out based on two criteria set by me-- round and dark finished. (*Note- Ryan wants to make sure you know that he hates the two chair options I've included in the mood board). 

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Do you and your significant other or roommate have different styles of decorating? How do you make it work?
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  1. Love your blog and style, Brooke! Congrats on the new home- it looks like it will be beautiful! Side note: we have the World Market stools in the picture you have above and love them! We were trying to decide between those and the Lydia collection that you posted. :) Happy house furnishing hunting!

  2. Thanks Amber! Glad you like the stools... I've been keeping an eye to see if they will go on sale. :)
