We lost a third house on Monday. A THIRD house. I know, I know I'm moving too fast... let me catch you up. The first house we found was spectacular and we knew it. We made an offer within twenty four hours of it being on the market hoping if we moved fast we might be able to snatch it up. SEVEN OTHER OFFERS.
As perfect as house one was house two was even more so. It was in the IDEAL location (for what we can afford), completely renovated, and even had Ryan squealing like a little school girl. We toured the house the first day on the market, well us and six other couples, all AT THE SAME TIME! We took second in that race.... to a cash offer with no appraisal contingencies.
This third house had the most amazing backyard and was in a neighborhood we liked. We really thought we were going to get this one seeing as we offered WELL over the asking price. Other people had the same idea only they offered cash and again no appraisal contingencies.
Although we're not ready to throw the towel in yet we are drowning our sorrows in steins of craft beer, eating pad Thai take out, and watching Homeland on demand.
What is your go to sad food/booze? I feel like we're going to have to expand our horizons in order to make it out of this process.
PS. I promise to start being a better blogger and take pictures of these places we see.
Brooke, we're going through the same thing! We got beat out as one of 16 offers on what we thought was a dream house. :( This market up here sure makes the search disappointing doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteLisa, yes it does! Where are you guys looking? Fingers crossed for you!